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SkyGig, an innovative startup company focused on improving wireless communication in the world of 5G and beyond, is the inaugural winner of the ECE Innovator Program, launched in 2018. SkyGig is co-founded by ECE alumni Armin Jam and Avish Kosari.
An award winning radar system for collision avoidance and imaging
Armin Jam was awarded the Best Paper Award in the 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (AP-S) for his paper, “A Horizontally Polarized Beam-Steerable Antenna for Sub-millimeter-wave Polarimetric Imaging and Collision Avoidance Radars,” co-authored by Prof. Kamal Sarabandi.
Armin Jam awarded the second place in the LNF Symposium for his research work entitled “A Novel Sub-Millimeterwave Radar System for Autonomous Vehicle and Collision Avoidance Applications”.